Pellet Mill Roller Shells
Importance of Rolls in Pellet Milling
Quality Construction
Roller Shell Material
Choosing the right Roller
Corrugated Open End (HT)
Corrugated Closed End (HTW)
Tungsten (TRC)
Dimple (HTD)
Corrugated Helical (HTWH)
Dominator Shell
Assembly Parts
“We recently switched to Pentagon Hammers; the installer said the hammers went on so smooth, they thought something was wrong. Took 20 minutes to install 120 hammers. After a week, the hammers were inspected and there were a few sticking out. Touched them and they fell down. In the next two inspections, all hammers were down.”
While running the Andritz hammer mill we were having to change the hammers every 1-2 weeks. Once we worked with Jacob’s and change the hammers along with a few other adjustments in the pattern, we were able to get 4-5 weeks of life out of the hammers.
“Fred wants a die like the last one. Said it is the best die he has ever run!”
“I am impressed with Jacobs Hammers, they last a long time!”
“Very pleased with Bad Ax Hammers. Mill has less vibration, first corner 250 to 260 hours, 2nd corner at 180-190 and still going”