Hammer mill and Pellet Mill Replacement Parts
A Worldwide Leader in Replacement Parts for Mills Since 1934.
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Hammer Mills
Rods and Spacers
Pellet Mills
Roller Shells
Die & Shell Rework
“Josh said the Jacobs Die has out performed anything they have used in the past. Very pleased!”
“Very happy with Jacobs Dies! Performing better than [Competitor]. Want another die like the last one.”
“Been using Pentagon X2 Holeformance for 3 weeks in Champion Mill. 60 AMPS savings so increased Feed Rate which increased throughput 8%. The Champion capacity is 65 Million and Currently Running at 70-71 Million. Easy to install and fewer spacers! We removed [Brand X] Hammers from a 2nd Mill and replaced with Pentagon X2 Holeformance to get the same savings and increased throughput.”
“Jacobs rods last a full year with very little grooving, competitors rods needed changed out every 6 months due to excessive grooving.”
“Essault Hammers lasted 11 weeks compared to regular hammers lasting 6 weeks. Ordered 2 more sets. This will be the way to go on hammers from now on!”
“Fred wants a die like the last one. Said it is the best die he has ever run!”
“There is no comparison out there to the durability of Jacobs Hammers, they’re amazing. Hardfacing is so good, the hammers are not wearing out. Only buying Jacobs Hammers!”
“Very pleased with Bad Ax Hammers. Mill has less vibration, first corner 250 to 260 hours, 2nd corner at 180-190 and still going”
“We love your Hammers! They are more durable than the competitors, and that’s why we’re now using Jacobs Rod!”
“We have one more set of [Competitor] hammers to go through and then going exclusive with Pentagons. For ease of installation and performance, the Pentagons can’t be beat!”